The new year has come and I’m sure most of you are thinking of all the ways you are going to be better this year. Nothing bad in that, as long as we strive for better and not perfect. A short workout is better than no workout, and a grain free home baked muffin is way better for you than any stuff you can buy at the bakery! Try this one for example!

mini muffins in a high glass bowl

This makes about 34 mini muffins – or something like 10 normal sized ones

Turn your oven on to 180 C (360 F)

In a big bowl:

  • 1 banana – mash it
  • 50 g (1.8 oz. or about 4 tbsp.’s) coconut oil or butter
  • 75 g (2.6 oz.) cream cheese (like Philadelphia)

Mix with a hand mixer if you have one. And then add

  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar

In a smaller bowl then separately mix the dry ingredients:

  • 100 ml (0.4 cup) shredded coconut – grind first together with the apricots
  • 3 dried apricots (or pitted dates) – (grind first with the shredded coconut)
  • 100 ml (0.4 cup) almond flour – which is ground blanched almonds
  • 50 ml (0.2 cup – about 3 tbsp.’s) coconut flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla powder

Add the dry ingredients to the wet and mix. You can still use the hand mixer (electrical whisk).

Get a baking tray out and line with muffin forms

And now finally – to the muffin batch – add

  • 200 ml (0.8 cup) frozen blueberries directly from freezer – or fresh ones.

blueberry vanilla batch and muffin forms in the background

Carefully stir with a spoon, but don’t overdo it or the blueberries will break and make a grey mash out of everything.

Fill your forms about ¾ up and then bake for 20 minutes in the lower part of the oven.

grain free blueberry vanilla muffins



Creamy blueberry vanilla muffins
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