If you have read a few of my older posts you will know that I am a big breakfast fan. Scrambled eggs are a staple on our table these days and also any dinner left overs we have in the fridge. Fruit of course and at this time of the year when plums and grapes are in season we have lots of them. Add some sausage / salami and cheese to this and of course a cake or muffins…. you get the hang of it – we go all in! 🙂

As inspiration – two pictures of this mornings breakfast table:

There is – scrambled eggs, cheesecake brownies, grapes, plums, mirabelle plums, green beans, cheese and salami platter, and even mashed sweet potato and root celery (lovely cold on the day after!).

Guten Apetit! 🙂


Weekend breakfast
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