Bread. That’s the answer to the question – What food do you miss the most? Since giving up sugar and flour – eating low carb – bread is actually the only thing I miss (from time to time). As a swede, I was almost addicted to the many different crisp bread available up north. But there is a simple solution. Even quicker than running to the store and buying “Wasa”. And it’s tasty!

4 Basic ingredience needed – sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, salt and water – with possibility for a few extras to adjust the taste. I like to add an oil and some spice or herbs.

OK – even my kids can manage this on their own, so give it a go! You need a mixer similar to mine in the picture above.

  • Start with 100 ml (just below half a cup) sunflower seeds – mix them to powder.
  • Add another 100 ml (just below half a cup)sesame seeds into the mixer jug and give just a quick twirl. We’re talking 2-3 seconds here. Quicker than a quickie. They should just about brake (and mix with the sunflower powder). I used two colors of sesame seeds – black and white. This just makes me a show off, and you can just as well stick to one color – taste is the same!

Almost done – and you just started!! Now just grab a small bowl and put the mixed seeds in it.

  • Add salt – I am seriously not good with salt. Always put too much or too little if I don’t measure it, so this is one of the few things I EVER measure. OK – for this, about 1/4 tea spoon salt.

And now you can add any other spices you want. I do Italian herbs, or just basilica some times and then add some tomato paste as well – the kids call them pizza crackers 🙂

  • This time however I added some black pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice (like half a tbsp)
  • And a tbsp of oil – this time sesame oil. When I do the “pizza crackers” I add olive oil.

Now stir with a spoon and add a little bit of water – a tbsp maybe to make a “dough”.

Put the dough on a baking sheet, on a baking tray obviously.

Now this part is important – put another baking sheet on top of the dough! And then roll it thin with a rolling pin. If you don’t have a rolling pin – use a glass bottle (empty is probably best…). Then cut – using a “pizza knife” is the easiest here… (and I am happy to have found a new use for it now that it won’t be used for pizzas anymore :-))

Did you forget to turn on the oven? Me too! No problem! Put the baking tray in the cold oven and turn to 120-130 C (250-280 F). Put a timer to 30 minutes. Seriously, you’ll forget them otherwise.

After those 30 minutes, turn the oven off and open the oven door a bit (wooden spoon in between?) and let it slowly cool down.

See – you don’t even have to put your hands into a warm oven at any time – this is why I let my kids do this!

When cool – break apart (the crackers) and serve. Perfect to a salad, or with dips, or just as a snack.

Happy baking!



Sesame Crackers
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