Recently when both my kids were down with the flu, and I was afraid I might catch it too (didn’t) I made up a batch of savory muffins – as back up. My reasoning was – if I get sick, we need to have some easily accessible healthy food because I won’t be able to cook…. We enjoyed those muffins so much that I worked on them a bit and decided to post the recipe here. Perfect for a ready to go breakfast (if you make them ahead) or a snack, or school lunch.


You can vary what you add to them endlessly!

Turn the oven on to 180 C (360 F) and prepare muffin forms

Get a bowl out and mix the following:

  • 1 small zucchini, grated
  • 2 small carrots, grated
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 tbsp. coconut oil (or other oil)


I just used a normal whisk to mix it. If the eggs are very cold, the coconut oil might get hard and lumpy, so if planning ahead – leave the eggs out to get room tempered before baking (or use a hand mixer – or switch the coconut oil to olive oil)

Then add the taste giving ingredients, like:

  • 3-4 pieces of dried tomato, chopped
  • a big spoon tomato puree
  • some chopped leek
  • 1 tbsp. oregano
  • 1/2 tbsp. dried onion powder
  • and salt – about half a teaspoon


You could add ham, bacon or fried ground beef too…

And lastly after mixing those things together also add:

  • 100 ml (0.4 cup) ground flax seed

Mix and fill muffin forms


You should have about 10 muffins. You can sprinkle some seeds over if you feel like it.

Bake for 25 minutes


That’s it! Serve with a salad, or just grab and go… Store in the fridge until then.




Savory egg muffins
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