The celebration of Elins birthday got extended over several days this year. The actual day at home – since it was a Sunday this year, then the celebration at school, which was on the Monday, and then also a proper birthday party at home with friends from school – today, Tuesday, since school ends early on Tuesdays in Luxembourg. So there were more cakes and more cupcakes. It seemed never ending….. But to make things easy I’ve been using the same toppings – just in different ways. I’ll tell you how!

You know the story behind the first two pictures – or if not, you can read it HERE and HERE. Then there was the cake that Elin brought to school. I wanted something nut free since that is a classical allergy among children, so I made the “brown sticky cake” and just left out the walnuts. The square form is perfect for cutting into little bite sized pieces. To make it look nicer I also added the same topping I’ve been writing about for days now 🙂 which is melted dark chocolate, mixed with mascarpone and natural yoghurt.

It’s just like square (and flat) cupcakes! Then I packed them into 2 boxes that I placed in a cooler bag with ice coolers underneath, and a stack of napkins on top.

School celebration over, there was only the birthday party with invited friends left. Since they came straight from school at midday this had to include lunch and an easy solution here is to make skewers. Colorful, healthy – and can be eaten with the hands, if they want to. Also – even the picky kids will hopefully find something they like with this kind of variations.

For these I used different sausages, chicken, zucchini, red and yellow bell pepper, mushrooms, aubergine and tomatoes. In the back you can see a few extra ones without the sausages since one of the kids avoids pork for religious reasons.

They all went into the oven 200 C (390 F) for 20 minutes.

And at last – the treat of the afternoon was mini cupcakes. I totally prefere mini cupcakes to a fancy cake or gateau, since the bite size is easier with kids. Otherwise most of the cake will just end up in the bin. Speaking from experience here 🙂

For this – pick a nice muffin recipe from the menu on the right hand side 🙂 and then top off with the same topping as mentioned above and maybe also the one mentioned HERE. Decorate with berries and, if you feel like, pink sprinkles.




The birthday! – part three
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