We’ve been loving the chocolate chia seed pudding I wrote about a while back, in a guest post over at CLEW.lu, eating it a couple of times every week ever since – so I thought we could need a bit
Spinach muffins with a lemon twist
You know how it is, those mornings when you debate with your tired self whether to put the spinach in the scrambled eggs, in the muffins, or – if you are really tired – in the yoghurt… This morning the
Coriander and raspberry cookies
Cookies. I could bake them every day and we would still never have any left over in a tin somewhere over night. They are often eaten instantly and the last ones will be feasted on after dinner. Here’s a new
Monster chocolate crackers
There is a little monster living inside of me, demanding chocolate on pretty much a daily basis. This does not mean the sugar-laden milk chocolate. The monster does not actually fancy this any more, but rather anything with cacao in
Have another blueberry vanilla pudding!
My husband has a soft spot for vanilla puddings and has been asking me to come up with one that will still fits our lifestyle. My patient kids have been forced (poor kids! :-)) to eat puddings every day now
Quick spontaneous apple cake
Wanted to make a quick lunch for the kids, and myself, but didn’t feel like cooking. In my former life this would have meant having a sandwich. That just isn’t an alternative anymore unless I have baked some paleo-bread. Which
Coconut chocolate cream topping – dairy free!
A lot of people (including myself) should be avoiding milk products, so I’m always looking for ways of making TASTY and creamy toppings for cakes and cupcakes that are lactose free. This is not only really tasty (and creamy!) –