Sure, you can buy gluten free bread in a lot of shops here in Germany these days, but the amount of plastic packaging is truly sad. So I started experimenting and came up with a super easy recipe. It needs
Gluten free awesome bread

Sure, you can buy gluten free bread in a lot of shops here in Germany these days, but the amount of plastic packaging is truly sad. So I started experimenting and came up with a super easy recipe. It needs
Vegan cheesecakes – that aren’t actually cheesecakes, but a nut based version that are similar to cheesecakes have become quite trendy. I tried a recipe a while back and liked the idea. Added in a personal touch – and here
Sure – we know the two ingredients banana pancake recipe, don’t we? And I’ve tried it, but always felt it was missing something. It wasn’t until recently when I visited my sister and she made them for me that I
Since my daughter was born just two days after my own birthday, the beginning of June is intense cake-wise 🙂 This year she turned 13. We now officially have two teenagers in the house! Happy birthday Elin! I made the
Ever since I posted the two versions I have made of wraps – THIS ONE and THIS ONE, I have been experimenting with this type of bread, using new spices and making the bread thicker and here is a new
After a nice sunny week of holiday the kids were back to school today again. I thought I should make a treat for them to bring as snack to make it a little nicer for them. A quick check in
Cookies – crackers, the difference lies somewhere in the sweetness and texture, right? These are somewhere in between. Kind of like digestives, if you know that particular one. I’m normally not a big fan of cookies except for my chocolate chip
When we first got married my husband could not believe the amount of cheese I ate. I love cheese in almost any form and so it comes as no surprise that I also happen to love cheesecake. My favorite cheesecake
Sometimes on a grey winter day we need a reminder that a warmer season will come around eventually. This blueberry raspberry pie has the taste of summer and will hopefully put a warm smile on your face.
When decorating a cake it’s easy to go over board – making a disaster instead of an object of art. Believe me when I say I have a lot of experience on this. I have made four attempts on this